135: She made 1 million in her side hustle but that’s not her definition of success with Fiona McKenzie

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Jun 10 2024 35 mins  

She made 1 million in her side hustle but that’s not her definition of success.

Fiona McKenzie, a two-time participant in the Goddess Embodiment Sisterhood (my mastermind), shares her journey of creating businesses to address personal challenges.

She joined us for the Seven Figure Flip campaign last year, and today we delve deeper into her story.

We discuss how true success is not about hitting the seven-figure revenue mark but about something much more profound and personal.

We highlight the importance of being passionate about the problem you're solving, starting small with a minimum viable product, and iterating based on customer feedback.

Fiona McKenzie emphasises personal growth and family values and also stresses the importance of continuously enhancing their app based on user feedback to stay competitive and meet customer needs.

This is an inspiring episode you will get a lot out of!

If you LOVED the episode, make sure you share this on your Instagram stories and tag me @essential.shift and @myfitprostream.

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  • How to define success

  • What it looks like to run a side hustle

  • Behind the scenes of running an online app and building a startup


  • LEARN more about the Goddess Embodiment Sisterhood: HERE

  • FOLLOW Fiona on Instagram - HERE

  • Check Fiona’s WEBSITE: HERE

  • Join Fiona and many other women in business in The Circle Membership - HERE


  • Find out more about how to WORK WITH ME - HERE

If you like this episode, don't forget to share it to your Instagram stories and tag me @essential.shift.


Fiona has over a decade of experience as a digital product manager and has been a dance fitness instructor since 2014. She is the founder and CEO of My Fit Pro which is a live streaming platform built from the ground up specifically for fitness professionals. They are a Telstra Award Finalist for advancing women. Fiona is a mother of two daughters. She totally escapes and enjoys the quiet with a cup of tea and a chocolate or two.

Bless it be.

With love, Laetitia!