2. Tatiana Nya Ford

Episode Artwork
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Nov 05 2021 14 mins  

Tatiana Nya Ford is a local writer, artist, and performer who is interested in creative processes that require immense and intricate intimacy, vulnerability, and truth, as well as artworks that may not have finality and are not associated with traditional standards of beauty or worth.  Ford’s latest project The Floozy Carmichael Variety Shoe & Fundraiser will be donating proceeds to Baltimore Safe Haven and Baltimore Abortion Fund.

Follow Tatiana Nya Ford @tatianaanyaa on Instagram.

Production Management: Belinda Merritt

Audio Production and Editing: Morgan Ormond

Art and Branding: Cameron Morgan

Social Media Management: Brandon Love

Creative Production: Belinda Merritt, Gennifer Robinson, Cameron Morgan, Morgan Ormond, and Brandon Love

Content Management: The Megaphone Project Board, Gwen Richards (Board Chair)

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