Aditya Hrdaya stotram. Learn to chant Verses 1-4.

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Jan 18 2024 9 mins  
Aditya Hrdaya stotra is a powerful chant in praise of Sri Surya Narayana- the Sun God. Seen as the closest representation of the Supreme Brahman visible to us, Surya Sea is the source of all life on Earth and the ruler of Health and Success fin human life. Given to Sri Rama by the famous Hrshi Agastya, this stotra can be chanted by persons of all ages. Learn this chant to ensure success in every endeavour and in uplifting your health. Students especially benefit from this stotra. 0:00 Introduction 1:33 Learn to chant Verse 1 3:26 Learn to chant Verse 2 4:42 Learn to chant Verse 3 6:12 Learn to chant Verse 4 7:39 Recap verses 1-4 You may learn the rest of the verses by accessing my YouTube channel: Vedikheritage on YouTube. Spotify does not allow me to upload them for some reason. You may get full transcript of the stotra in Devanagari, English and Tamizh on this page: