Expert Tips for Building Brand Awareness with Employee and Executive Voices

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Mar 04 2024 18 mins   1

Your employees are your company’s biggest asset, and learning how to utilize them as brand ambassadors can significantly enhance your social strategy and brand awareness.

Take it from Adrian Solomone, who is directly involved in building Finastra's employee advocacy program, and it's so successful that their employees are asking to join.

In this episode, Adrian joined host Alina Dallal to reveal Finastra’s secrets for success and share valuable tips for implementing an advocacy program at a large organization. He also dives into how they capitalize on Oktopost’s AI tools to ensure their advocates are personalizing their content, quickly and efficiently.

But, when it comes to advocacy, it’s not just the voices of your employees that you should be amplifying. Adrian walks us through how they encouraged their executives to get involved in thought leadership on LinkedIn, and the steps they're taking to guide them along the way.

What results are they seeing? Their advocacy program brought in the highest number of signups for a recent webinar, compared to other marketing strategies.

Hot Topics:

  • The impact of implementing a successful advocacy program

  • The importance of building executive thought leadership on LinkedIn

  • How they’re bringing the numbers to leadership to prove the value of social media on ROI and business outcomes