Schools need to measure soft skills - Michaela Horvathova⁠ (Beyond Education)

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Oct 27 2023 29 mins   1

In this episode: Frank is talking to Michaela Horvathova who is the co-founder and Chief Education Officer at Beyond Education. The company empowers students 10-21 years old with the 21st century competencies, or so called "soft skills” through research-based programs and 1st scientifically validated assessment. She is an international education policy expert having worked for international organisations like the OECD, IB and UNICEF. She has extensive global experience in curriculum design and reform for 21st century skills & competencies, learning outcomes, evaluation & assessment. She is based in Paris, France.

We talk about: Why the market needs education on the importance of soft skills overall, how assessment goes hand-in-hand with education programs, the discrepancy between international standards and what is needed in the classroom, the importance of having a co-founder ….and lots more.


  • What we are doing is aiming to help ultimately students be better prepared for the future.

  • There are a lot of companies that are developing soft skills through programs, which is something that we actually started with and we still have, but we sort of put it on hold and as we understood that what is really needed or what is maybe more of an entry point to schools is assessment.

  • What is the challenge is that there is a big discrepancy still between what ministries of education, researchers, policy makers, understand that it's needed and important and what people on the ground understand that is needed.

In this podcast by EdTech Garage, we interview startup founders & players supporting early-stage EdTech startups from across Europe.

The ⁠⁠⁠EdTech Garage⁠⁠⁠ is a community for early-stage European EdTech startups where founders can scale up faster through the founder community, matchmaking and specialized resources. In this podcast series we interview startup founders & players supporting early-stage EdTech startups from across Europe. We get straight to the point in 20+ minutes and publish new episodes roughly every month. You can find the transcript from each podcast on the site below.

Host: ⁠⁠⁠Frank Albert Coates⁠

Music: ⁠Ehsansation