Episode 41: Unveiling the Dental-Health Connection: Exploring Root Canals, Mercury Fillings, and the Impact on Your Overall Well-being

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Mar 20 2024 77 mins  

In recent years, there has been an increase in awareness of how the health of our mouth and teeth can impact our overall well-being. While most individuals are aware of the basics of dental hygiene – brushing and flossing regularly – there are many other factors that can impact the health of our teeth and gums.

In this captivating episode, we explore the dental health world in detail. We take a deep dive into the intriguing world of root canals, discussing what they are, why they’re needed, and whether or not they could potentially impact our overall health. We examine the controversy surrounding mercury fillings, exploring the claims made about their potential impact on our health. We also provide practical tips on how to maintain good oral hygiene, including discussing the latest dental tools and techniques that can help us keep our teeth and gums healthy.

As we discuss these topics, we’ll uncover the surprising links between dental health and our overall health. Could root canals and mercury fillings have an impact on other areas of our body? Could our dental hygiene habits be linked to preventable conditions such as heart disease? We’ll explore these questions and many more, tapping into the latest research on the dental-health connection.

Whether you’re worried about your dental health or simply curious to learn more, this episode is for you. We’ll leave no stone unturned as we unveil the dental-health connection, empowering you to take charge of your oral health and in turn, improving your overall well-being. Don’t miss out on this intriguing episode that could potentially transform the way you think about dental health.

Here is a link to the diagram Dr. Thom was referencing regarding teeth and meridian energy.


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Dr. Thom's Info:

Website: https://drdicksonthom.com/

LinkedIn for Dr. Thom - https://www.linkedin.com/in/dick-thom-7a36163/

Purchase the book: https://drdicksonthom.com/product/the-brain-protocol-book/