2x03 Informing on disinformation (Veronika Vichova)

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Jul 30 2019 43 mins  

MEGAPHONE podcast  aims to show you new trends, threats and solutions which  activists and civic activists all around the world are faced with. We look for things which were not discussed before bringing you knowledge and inspiration for your work. 


Veronika Víchová is an Analyst and a Coordinator of the Kremlin Watch Program at the European Values Think-Tank. She graduated the Masaryk University in Brno.

She co-authored a study on how Kremlin propaganda portrays European leaders which was published by The Atlantic Council and an Overview of countermeasures by the EU28 to the Kremlin´s influence operations. She compiles the Kremlin Watch Briefing, a weekly newsletter on disinformation and influence operations for more than 7.000 European experts, journalists and officials.

She participated in the Transatlantic Fellowship Program in Washington DC organized by the World Affairs Journal, which she spent at the office of Senator Rob Portman. She has graduated from the New Security Leaders Program 2017.


This podcast was created thanks to the support of Open Society Foundations and Charles Mott Foundation.