Guest- Ryan Guay: Diagnosed Vaccine Injury

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Feb 04 2022 148 mins   2

Welcome to my first guest episode of The Overton Anchor everybody!

This episode is ad-free and so I ask that if anybody would like to support me, I've set up a page on:

You can choose to donate increments of $5 (1 coffee) or multiples of the same. Being on unpaid leave from my nursing career has certainly taken a toll, but I will always try to bring you the best content possible through authenticity and story-telling that is currently uninterrupted with ads.

And this episode right here is one hell of a story. Ryan Guay was 17 years old when he took the covid vaccine and was subsequently hospitalized approximately 10 days later with acute chest pain that was nearly immobilizing over the course of 24h. Ryan drove himself to the hospital overnight after waking up with radiating & burning pain throughout his chest. Ryan is an athlete that frequently goes to the gym and also takes care of his body and diet. 

In this podcast, we take a deep dive uninterrupted into Ryan's story, his multiple hospital visits, initial diagnoses (that now appear to be wrong), the consequences of this decision for him over the summer, and his following school year, where Memorial University of Newfoundland were far from "inclusive and accepting." 

I know this is a long episode, but I told Ryan from the outset that he has an incredible and shocking story. A type of story that DESERVES long-form attention, with no media or political biases/objectives or conflicts of interest.

I hope you enjoy this eye-opening episode with Ryan. Keep in mind this brave young man is only 18 years old at the time of this recording, and was 17 years old when first hospitalized with potentially life-threatening illness, and treatments that ultimately altered his entire summer after graduation. 

Thank you so much for tuning in.

Glorious & Free!