[Preview]#41. Ekofascism s02e04 "The Thanatology of the Koltsov-Serebrovsky Fruit Fly Mafia"

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Apr 07 2024 39 mins   15

Where does the hatred towards Epigenetics, Jean-Baptiste de Lamarck, The Inheritance of Acquired Characteristics and finally Lysenko come from, where and how did it begin?

Today we will launch an assault of historical revelations against a mystified truism of genetics and heredity which unless you were born before 1950 have always already been the dominant mode of thinking.

We will investigate the earliest Sci-fi and the experimental science of the 1920s as we go looking for the Neo-Darwinists who in their blind appropriation discarded the materialist core of Charlie's teaching and replaced it with a metaphysical alchemical preformationism.

We will go through NKVD files on the mountaineers case, read Evola and his alpine meditations, frighten ourselves with body-less living dog heads, crypts in princely villas of the bourgeoisie quarters of Moscow were people are said to be frozen alive.

We will finally learn how the Rockefellers and its Fruit Fly Mafia made its way in to the USSR and who became their recruited intellectuals, linking up of course with the very heart and centre of underground anti-soviet activity. This and a lot more awaits you on this coming three hour journey. Enjoy!