S1E11 - Publishing Books: The 12-Minute Method Series

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Oct 13 2022 26 mins  

This episode is the story of publishing the 12-Minute Method series of books. How did the books come about? Why did it take me 2 years after having the idea to get them out? I talk about the help I had along the way, including Steve Creek, Jericho Writers and Tim and Joseph at www.self-published.co.uk. I talk about the evolution of the idea and the books and more. I reflect on whether the two-year period was procrastination, or whether it was necessary for the books to find their rightful home. Certainly the journey changed me and, reflecting now, for me feels like it has served my own growth so well.

I said I would link to a few things:

- My article on Gay Hendricks' frame, The Zone of Genius: https://www.robbieswale.com/the-12-minute-blog/2022/2/3/the-zone-of-genius-the-most-powerful-thought-experiment-for-personal-transformation

- My time management article, where I talk about Saying Yes and Saying No, and Warren Buffett: https://www.robbieswale.com/writing/2018/7/23/15-ways-to-change-your-relationship-to-time-get-more-done-and-feel-better-while-you-do-it

- The draft preview edition of my book, The Power to Choose, which I referenced in this episode: https://www.robbieswale.com/writing/2020/3/23/why-am-i-sharing-parts-of-my-forthcoming-book-the-power-to-choose

- My dad's poetry: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Pete-Armstrong/e/B082BDCM2P

- My article about publishing these books: https://www.robbieswale.com/the-12-minute-blog/2021/12/17/the-story-of-the-publishing-of-the-12-minute-method


About the 12-Minute Method Podcast: In this podcast, I (leadership coach and author Robbie Swale) investigate why we sometimes don't do the things that deep down we really want to do. In each episode of season 1, I am going to reflect on a time in my life where I have beaten procrastination, become more productive and finally done something important to me, hoping that by doing this I will learn more about what it really takes to go from wanting to do something (but not doing it) to getting it done. And hoping that whatever you take away from each episode might help you get your idea off the ground and out into the world.

Find out more about Robbie and the 12-Minute Method books at www.robbieswale.com.