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Apr 04 2022 48 mins  

Sometimes life circumstances could be extremely hard and we find it hard to make rational decisions/choices for ourselves. However, in some cases, these circumstances bring us closer to our purpose in life.

In this episode, Dr. Johnnetta McSwain shared how the odds were against her after she was sexually molested by her three uncles right from age 5. Despite all that she went through, she was able to come out victorious and today she is globally recognized. She shared how she was able to push through the odds, her healing process, and everything that contributed to who she is today. 

She is the author of "Rising Above the Scars," the recipient of Emmy Award Documentary "The Road Beyond Abuse," the recipient of "2021 Voice of Courage Award" by Unsung Heroine Awards, and also a recipient of the "United States Presidential Lifetime Achievement Award" in 2021.

We share in her believe that if she can, then you can also be whoever you have been destined to be.