139. Why the gut is the future of health, with Greer McGuinness

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May 15 2024 50 mins  

I’ve been on a personal journey to understand the gut and how it impacts overall health, including the brain and chronic disease. And wow—it’s a fascinating area of study!

This week, I’m excited to welcome a guest to share more about this important area of wellness. Greer McGuinness, MS, RD, CDN, CLT, DTSP, CMH, is a registered dietitian, certified detox specialist, certified master herbalist, and certified lyme specialist who owns a virtual private practice called Biomedical Healing for Kids.

In this episode, we discuss:

  • Greer’s personal story and how her son’s level-2 autism diagnosis inspired her work today
  • How the gut impacts the brain and body, including brain development, mood, and more
  • What conventional medicine is missing with neurodevelopmental conditions and chronic disease
  • Steps you can take right now to heal the gut and remove the toxic load in your body

She is a published researcher on her work with autism and alternative medicine, and trained in herbal medicine with expertise in detoxing toxins, gut health, and improving nutrient status. Using her rebalance road map, she created the first-ever detoxing toxins in pediatrics course to help parents and providers learn how to safely and effectively detox toxins in children through biomedical testing and integrative treatment, so children can advance in their developmental abilities and grow to lead an active and healthier life.

Learn more about Greer:

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