Episode 39 with Charleen Murphy the other sides of social media and believing in yourself.

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Feb 27 2024 38 mins   1
This week on the pod I have the beautiful Charleen Murphy who not only is one of Ireland's top content creators but podcasters who is co-host to ‘ Hold my drink’. Charleen opens up and talks about how she got over a brutal attack last year when a stranger attacked her and how she dealt with it, her amazing motivation from working, going to college and doing social media to making it a full time career. For a 25 year old she has such a good mindset and amazing drive around her work and has got there for this reason. Charleen has given tips on how to get started on socials and working for yourself as times can get hard but we have to know that we all are only human and go through things in life and have to honor ourselves and learn to take that time off and slow down. Follow Charleen on instagram / TikTok @charleenmurphy Follow me @emmakehoe / @empowerwithemma I have just launched my SPRING RESET RETREAT on April 27th - 29th in the beautiful hills of Wicklow at Powerscourt Springs Health Farm. A weekend to connect, reset and recharge your soul. Head over to me website for more details: www.empowerwithemma.com