E9 - Tom Brady Inspired

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Jan 30 2022 19 mins  

Retiring Right is about more than money. This week's (unconfirmed) news is that 44 year old Tom Brady, QB of the Tampa Bay Bucs is retiring. For Tom it is not a financial decision. Tom and his wife have a reported net worth of around $650,000,000, give or take a dollar or two! WOW!

That's enough money to allow them to take their children to Disney World (a short drive from their Tampa home) without having to save up and plan for it like many (maybe most) families. So Tom's retirement decision is not about money or age, but "priorities" and something more important than money. That something is his family and the ability to spend time with them while he can. We all learned from the untimely passing of Kobe Bryant that nine if us are promised "tomorrow" regardless of our income or social status.

Tom acknowledged that (Kobe) publicly and wants to make sure he has time with his family now. I respect him for what he's done on the field as well as his decision to know when it's time to walk away. Now, that's what I call "Retiring Right!"

Jeff Sedlitz, LUTCF | President

Family Tree Financial Group