SB 30 Episode 80: Hot topics for this season, with Playhouse's Michael Detroit

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Jan 26 2023 31 mins  

“At Playhouse, we have the honor of producing a number of shows each season. Some are just fun and easy and ‘let’s go take a break and have fun and sing along,’ and then we’ll do shows where we need to talk about that subject matter.

“These are issues that are not new. And they won’t easily be resolved, so they’re going to be around for a while. And it’s going to be a messy thing, whether we’re talking about race or abortion rights or political leanings or journalism or anything like. . . there’s a discussion to be had that’s not going to go away any time soon. As theater, it’s our job at times to make sure that an important discussion is being had. (These upcoming shows) deal with timely issues.”

That’s Michael Detroit, Executive Producer of Playhouse on the Square, discussing the late-winter to early-spring slate of shows coming up at Playhouse on both the main Playhouse stage and across the street at Circuit Playhouse. Join Mr. Detroit with SB 30 host Mark Fleischer as they discuss this season’s upcoming shows, the hot subjects they happen to cover, and the job of theater to give patrons a chance to learn while being entertained.

Recorded on the Playhouse stage at Playhouse on the Square in Memphis, Tennessee, January 23rd, 2023. Visit for tickets and more information.