Midfield Crabs FC - Peilcast #45

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May 16 2024 72 mins   2

Plenty to talk about on this week's pod with another action-packed week in the League of Ireland! There's a full team on the pod this week so plenty of disagreements and arguments to look forward to.

-Circus at Dundalk; Brian Gartland's departure, George Shelvey's 10 game ban and where have all the European millions gone to?

-Will Stephen Kenny make his LOI return and go to St. Pats?

-Shelbourne investment and 250 year Tolka Park lease but stagnation on the pitch, Bill disagrees.

-Tallaght Stadium LED signage

-Game reviews and predictions for upcoming fixtures, including an update to the Spoofer Watch League Table.

Will James eat his words about Keith Long when he himself gets crowned the Peilcast's Biggest Spoofer?