David Cole - The Inner Journey

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Apr 25 2014 109 mins  
Discover the Divine image that is the light in the center of your being. Set out on the inner journey. The inner journey has great rewards-but the wild storms, dark nights, and stretches of barren desert can't be avoided. That's why this book was written. It offers an oasis where you can be refreshed along the journey-and a candle or two to carry with you when the nights are dark. Here you will find opportunities to be better equipped for your journey, an instruction manual for wayfarers. David is the founder of 'Waymark Ministries' whose mission is to create opportunities for people to engage in the message of the Christian faith outside of mainstream church; he is a Spiritual director/teacher and Retreat Leader; 'Explorer Guide' for The Community of Aidan and Hilda (www.aidanandhilda.org) a dispersed Celtic Christian Community; the author of books on Christian Meditation, including the award winning 'The Mystic Path of Meditation'; and has been a Church Minister. He is qualified in 'Spiritual Care' (holistic care and pastoral counselling) and is currently studying a Masters' degree in 'Christian Spirituality'. David lives in the Beautiful New Forest on the south coast of England with his wife and two young children. https://www.facebook.com/groups/244869532207040/