Snow on the Bluff

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Jul 06 2020 63 mins  

"Ni**as be thinkin' I'm deep, intelligent, fooled by my college degree

My IQ is average, there's a young lady out there, she way smarter than me

I scrolled through her timeline in these wild times, and I started to read"...

These are the words of J Cole in response to another rapper who said that your favorite rappers have catalogs about the plight of black people, but they not out here in these streets or raising their voices.

The internet went nuts after she made the statement, which prompted Cole to release that song. So what do you think? Do you believe that rappers need to be more vocal, or can they support the movement in silence? Mcdonald and I gonna chop it up about that, and what's up with cops caught on tape saying that they are going to kill ni**ers?

We got a lot to talk about, and once again we look forward to your comments and feedback!

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