7. What is the Skin Barrier? Signs of a Damaged One, and how to Protect it| كل شي عن حاجز البشرة

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Feb 15 2023 19 mins  
Welcome back skin nerds! In the previous episode Fatima and Farah discussed the skin’s layers and what it does for us. This week they are discussing the widely discussed but vague term that is the “Skin Barrier”. Your skin barrier protects your body from free radicals and the external environment. But sometimes harsh conditions are often the cause of its damage. Tune in to this episode to discover what is the barrier exactly composed of, barrier-damaging things to avoid, and how to care for and sometimes treat the skin barrier. Listen to episode seven to know more. Where to find us: Fatima’s Instagram: https://instagram.com/baredfaceforward.bff?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y= Farah’s Instagram: https://instagram.com/blondedusk?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y= Keep listening to your skin!