5. Where to Splurge and Where to Save in Skincare

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Jan 04 2023 27 mins  
Did you know the skincare industry is worth 155 billion dollars?!?! It makes sense that brands want you spending your money left and right feeding you lies that expensive is better, that luxury skincare outperforms, etc. And while we are not against treating yourself from time to time, we believe it can be done wisely! In this episode Fatima and Farah will be telling you where exactly you should spend your money in skincare and how not to fall for the many marketing traps this industry is known to have. So if you're fed up with your $45 cleanser, tired of the empty promises your overpriced moisturizer made on getting glass skin, and actually want results, listen to episode five now! Where to find us: Fatima’s Instagram: https://instagram.com/baredfaceforward.bff?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y= Farah’s Instagram: https://instagram.com/blondedusk?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y= Keep listening to your skin!