Halloween Special: The Rapture vs. Saw

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Oct 31 2023 37 mins  

Welcome to Highbrow Lowbrow, the show where our podcast hosts Steve Powell and Dan Slattery pit high art against low culture.

In this special Halloween-themed episode, we look at two films with only one thing in common: the capacity to disturb.

Steve’s pick is The Rapture, in which a call-centre operator played Mimi Rogers, bored with her dull job and swinging sex life, converts to Christianity and becomes obsessed with the Rapture. Her new religious lifestyle does not go entirely to plan, but it’s not the end of the world. Or is it?

Dan’s choice is the blood-soaked horror classic Saw. Despite its grisly reputation, Dan argues that the true star of Saw is its great script and inventive special effects pulled off on a miniscule budget. Forget the torture-porn label; Saw is a film you should see.

Which one of these films will leave you the most sleep-deprived and freaked out this Halloween? As always, dear listener, the final decision is up to you. Beware spoilers. Enjoy the show....