Christmas Special: Kings And Desperate Men vs. Die Hard 2

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Dec 24 2023 41 mins  

Welcome to Highbrow Lowbrow, the show where our
podcast hosts Steve Powell and Dan Slattery pit high art against low culture.

In this festive special, Steve is off to Montreal to see if Patrick McGoohan and Alexis Kanner are Kings And Desperate Men in a radio station hostage drama on Christmas Eve. Does it deserve regal status, or should it be clapped in irons?

Meanwhile, Dan takes cover as Bruce Willis takes on some terrorists (again) on Christmas Eve (again), this time at Washington DC's Dulles Airport. Does Die Hard 2 start the holiday season with a bang, or is it a damp squib?

The final decision, dear listener, is up to you. Beware spoilers. Enjoy the show...