Taking ‘Massive Calculated Risks’ in business, we interview Frank Triantafyllou. Frank's final message about having a purpose is what drives him towards the future he is building for his family

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Aug 23 2019 55 mins  

Frank Triantafyllou is the current Owner/Managing Director at Complete PC where he took over the company straight out of University. One year later, he started investing in Real Estate. Frank also guided his company through the 2008 GFC (Global Financial Crisis) where his company Complete PC grew in revenue, instead of falling like majority of the Australian Economy.

Frank has had the ability to learn directly from mentors like Robert Kiyosaki, Brian Tracy, Dr John Demartini and Tony Robbins to name a few. He’s all about people and has a firm belief that your purpose will define your drive, which in turn will help you help more people.

There were many things i learned during this interview, one thing was that there’s definitely an amount of ‘luck and self belief’ that has to be present when it comes to growing multiple businesses at the same time. He is such a well rounded businessmen who takes 'Massive Calculated Risks (Calculated = Knowledge)' in order to reach his goals, which are his plans that feed his purpose. It was such a pleasure connecting with Frank Triantafyllou, so enjoy this episode. It took a little bit of luck (Luck = Preparation) to make it all happen!

Connect with Frank Triantafyllou on LinkedIn here https://www.linkedin.com/in/frank-triantafyllou-482b1112/

Also visit Franks company website Complete PC here http://completepc.com.au/