Talking Aussie Books with Troy Hunter

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Jun 25 2024 26 mins  

The best kind of YA novels are the ones that appeal to a broad audience. Ones that teenagers, younger and older adults alike can relate to on a multitude of levels.

In my time as a podcaster I’ve been fortunate to encounter some truly engaging, highly relevant YA stories that offer a glimpse into the lives of young adults and the issues they face making their way out into the world.

So when I heard about Troy Hunter’s novel, ‘Gus and the Missing Boy’, a part-detective, part coming of age story, I was intrigued. And I knew I wanted to learn more.

Troy is a Melbourne-based writer of both adult and YA fiction. His work has appeared in a variety of publications which include Visible Ink, Nocturnal Submissions and Outrage Magazine.

'Gus and the Missing Boy' (published by Wakefield Press) is Troy’s debut novel.

I was thrilled to have the chance to speak with him on the podcast recently.