Talking Aussie Books with Kyra Geddes

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Jul 01 2024 34 mins  

Few of us who have a keen interest in history and literature - particularly Australian history and literature - will not have heard of Henry Lawson and his short story - 'The Drover’s Wife'.

First published in 1892, Lawson’s story centres on an unnamed woman living in the outback, in an isolated hut, with her four children while her husband is away droving.

One day, she and the children spot a snake disappearing under the house. To keep her children safe, she puts them to bed on top of the table and with her faithful snake-dog ‘Alligator’, keeps vigil, waiting for the snake to re-appear so she can kill it.

During the long dark hours of night, she reflects on her life in the time since her marriage to the drover - giving us a glimpse into the hardships endured by women like her; fighting against the elements, loneliness and other dangers in order to protect her family and home while her husband is away.

It’s a story that’s inspired several adaptations - including 'The Story Thief' by debut novelist Kyra Geddes.

Published this year by Affirm Press 'The Story Thief' is a poignant, clever story that explores the space between fact and fiction through Lillian Taylor: a woman born in the very year Lawson published his much-celebrated story.

I was delighted to have the chance to chat with Kyra about her novel on the podcast recently.