Episode 72 - Cycle syncing for the busy woman with Emily Waterfield-Buttner

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Feb 16 2020 51 mins   2

Emily Waterfield-Buttner is a women’s holistic health coach, focusing on guiding women in learning how to sync their female cycle to achieve hormonal harmony and restore their well being. She is also a mama, a wife, a lover of summer, plants, + the sunshine.

Our chat today:

  • How to balance periods of energy and rest according to the female cycle
  • Is syncing your cycle possible as a busy woman in the 21st century?
  • Cycling your food and exercise depending on your phase
  • How does our energy and brain function fluctuate throughout the cycle?
  • How to support yourself on your period and reduce PMS symptoms using food and lifestyle practices
  • PMS: why does it happen and what to do about it
  • Syncing your work life to your cycle to be more productive, creative, and energized
  • How to improve productivity and work flow in each phase of your cycle



Golden Wellness Facebook

Coaching Call with Emily

3 Month Coaching Program

Free Holistic Period Survival Guide available to download on her home page 

PCOS Breakthrough Academy

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NOTE: This podcast is for informational purposes, it is not meant to be direct medical advice. Please consult with your medical provider.