#2 Plant-based diet with Noriko Shindo, co-founder and CEO of Veggino

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Apr 12 2022 42 mins  

Noriko Shindo is Japanese but was brought up abroad before moving back to Japan. After transitioning to a plant-based diet and seeing the positive influence she had on some of her friends, she decided to start Veggino. Veggino is a bi-lingual non-for-profit website and group that aims to spread a plant-based lifestyle in Japan.

In this episode, she is telling us more about her story and some tips on how to follow a plant-based diet in Japan.

Find the summary of the discussion on the Mottainai Transition website as well as more tips on how to get started with a plant-based diet in Japan. Check out the Ekolokal website to find eco-friendly shops and restaurants near you.

Feel free to get in touch with us to share your thoughts: [email protected]

Music: Too Cool by Kevin MacLeod