#5 Organic Farming with Chuck Kayser from Midori Farm

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Apr 12 2022 48 mins  

Chuck Kayser is originally from the US and has been living in Japan for over 20 years, mostly in Kyoto. He started growing vegetables in the mountains of Shiga 12 years ago and what began as a hobby quickly turned into a passion.

He established Midori Farm a few years ago to sell vegetables, host volunteers, and run tours and events. On top of that, he co-founded Seeds of Sustainability Kyoto in 2017 to host events in Kyoto city. Through Midori Farm and Seeds of Sustainability, Chuck hopes to give people the opportunity to learn more about living sustainably, experience nature, and appreciate the importance of small, local, organic agriculture.

In this episode, we talk about his story and how he started Midori Farm. Chuck is also telling us more about organic farming in Japan. If you are in Kyoto area, don't hesitate to order vegetables from Midori Farm, come to volunteer on the farm, or join one of their events! 

You can find the summary of the discussion on the Mottainai Transition website. Check out the Ekolokal website to find eco-friendly shops and restaurants near you.

Feel free to get in touch with us to share your thoughts: [email protected]

Music: Too Cool by Kevin MacLeod