#6 Plastic-free lifestyle with Mona Neuhauss from No Plastic Japan

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Apr 12 2022 41 mins   1

Mona is a strategic communications consultant. Born between German and Japanese parents, she spent most of her life in England, before moving to Japan in 2016.

She founded No Plastic Japan in 2018 to raise awareness around our consumption habits and the waste it creates – one of its main activities is the replacement of plastic straws with stainless steel ones for individuals and businesses. In collaboration with a variety of stakeholders, Mona works on different communications and sustainability challenges.

In this episode, we talk about her story, how she started No Plastic Japan, and how she got involved in the creation of the zero waste store Nue by Totoya. She will also give us some tips on how to have a plastic-free and more generally waste-free lifestyle in Japan. Don't hesitate to get in touch with Mona on her website No Plastic Japan

You can find the summary of the discussion on Mottainai Transition website. Check out the Ekolokal website to find eco-friendly shops and restaurants near you.

Feel free to get in touch with us to share your thoughts: [email protected]

Music: Too Cool by Kevin MacLeod