27. Sleep Training vs. Sleep Teaching

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Mar 28 2023 6 mins   1

What You Need To Know About Sleep Training vs Sleep Teaching

What you need to know about sleep training?

Us Moms.... we've been keeping each other down by using the term  "sleep training."

We’re all desperate for easy sleep.  Consumed by the idea that getting your baby to sleep should be this easy, natural, instinctual thing.  I know because when I was going through this, I thought this too.  I didn’t think I’d have to work at getting my baby to sleep and I thought I could do it without any tears. I mean.. .he seemed to have a feeding and fall back asleep so easily those first few weeks… wouldn’t that just continue?  (Spoiler:  it doesn’t always)

The demand for easy sleep has developed a market of unsafe products.  Products such as the Fisher-Price Rock and Play which was never marketed for “sleep” but was recalled due to over 30 infant deaths or the Doc a Tot which is not approved for safe sleep according to the American Academy of Pediatrics guidelines.


“Child Won’t Sleep? Start Here!” free guide 

Sleep Timing and Quantity Chart 

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