Lizz Enns Petters has Winter Faith! - Episode #165

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Jul 11 2024 26 mins  
In this episode, Andy sits down and talks with Lizz Enns Petters. They discuss her faith deconstruction and motherhood.
Learn more of her story on her website and her podcast, the Deconstructing Mamas.
About Lizz
My name is Elizabeth Petters, but everyone calls me Lizz. I started spelling my name with two z’s when there was another Liz in my elementary class. I was diagnosed with generalized anxiety disorder when I was 8. I love writing, organizing, theatre, creating. My three-year-old and I sing Disney songs constantly. My dad is biblical scholar Peter Enns, and I am a chip off the old block (as they say). Most of my days consist of coffee, lexapro, poopy diapers, picture books, cutting food into tiny pieces, and getting to nap time. I do occasionally write my thoughts down and share them with all of you.
The Winter Faith Podcast is focused on creating conversations to promote emotional and spiritual growth through tough conversations about faith, apathy, and everything in between. Podcast music by Josh Cleveland. Purchase his album Root of a Man on Apple Music and Amazon Music. Podcast coffee by J Brooks Coffee Roasters. J. Brooks Coffee Roasters was founded in 2010. What is a Roastinality? Follow @winterfaithpodcast on Instagram, Twitter, and join the Winter Faith Podcast on Facebook. Follow Andy @winterfaithandy Instagram and Twitter. Subscribe to the Winter Faith Podcast on Apple, Anchor, or Spotify. Support the show for as little as $1 a month on Patreon.