After suffering the loss of his young son, Jason quit going to church. He suffered years of hardship, eventually leading him back to the temple with his family.

Episode Artwork
0% played 00:00 00:00
Apr 28 2024 43 mins   70

"We need to learn how to let go of those things. We can't focus on the bad things. We have to move along. We have to move forward. It is hard. It is very, very hard. It's very challenging, but it's not impossible. I can tell you that it's not impossible. For those of you that are struggling with your testimonies and are questioning things about the church, ask Heavenly Father. You've got to get it from the direct source. Don't go looking at videos and don't go talking to people that you're not sure of. Just get down and ask God, because he will tell you and he has his own ways of telling you. It may not be something huge. He may not open the heavens to you with all this dramatic stuff that some of us are looking for. Sometimes it takes that one little small, tiny, still voice to resonate in our soul."

Come Back Team:

Director, Founder & Host: Ashly Stone

Producer and Senior Editor: Lauren Rose

Outreach Manager: Jenna Carlson

Editor: Michelle Berger

Art Director: Jeremy Garcia