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Apr 11 2024 63 mins   2

Hadrian’s nephew Akilos (Unkelus) wanted to convert and become a Jew. His uncle told him that the Jews are ‘the lowliest of all nations.’ Akilos claimed that even the ‘smallest’ among them know how GD created the world, in which order it was created, the accurate age of the universe, what makes it stand and their Torah is true. The seemingly strange explanation of the Baal Haturim from where we learn that the Mitzvah of Bris Millah overrides Shabbos. Sources Vayikra Perek 12 Pessukim 1-3 Baal Haturim on Possuk 3 Midrash Shemos Rabba Parsha 30 Perek 12 Gemara Menachos 43 B