4/8 Tantric Advaita - The Power of Sound

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Sep 12 2022 48 mins  

The Power of Sound may help us to find our inner silence, especially if our emotions are somewhat troubled and making it hard. We are sound frequencies ourselves and by producing sound, we can change our emotional frequency. The science of Sanskrit holds incredible understanding on how sounds affect us. The seed sounds, chakra sounds and mantras brought forward by the yogic tradition offer us many ways to work with our energy and this especially to resolve any subconscious blockages. Sounds also have meaning, so the power of sound also includes the power of thought, where we repeat useful thoughts while subduing less useful thoughts.   

This is Part 4 of an 8 part series on Tantric Advaita. Supported by numerous backers on the crowdfunding platform Kickstarter, this video is part of a communication project on Tantric Advaita. It also includes the book 'Tantric Advaita - Energizing Nonduality' - find all details here : https://www.tantricadvaita.org/book_tantric_advaita.html.

00:00:00   4.1. Sound & Silence 

00:06:27   4.2. Sanskrit Science of Sound 

00:27:26   4.3. Using the Power of Sound 

00:26:56   4.4. The Power of Thought

Having discovered the beauty of Self-awareness, nonduality or Advaita becomes a way of pure being. Yet, life tends to produce its various emotions, which easily remove that blissful feeling of the Self. We can actually never lose the Self, as it is ever in our presence. However, when that particular feeling or energy of the Self is lost, pure beingness itself is perceived to be lost.  

Tantric Advaita is the ancient knowledge on the nondual energy of the Self. It teaches us how to maintain full awareness of the Self, while simultaneously bringing our feeling closer to the bliss of the Self, energizing our nonduality practice. As we focus our awareness on itself, we harmonize our energy.