Your Roadmap To Digital Sophistication

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Apr 19 2024 12 mins  

Picture this:

● You lack helpful reporting or real-time insights

● Your website has a clunky patient interface

● You don’t utilize personas or data driven media targeting

● You find yourself reacting rather than proactively planning

If you can relate to any of these statements, your organization is in need of digital glow-up. In this week’s episode, Jenny outlines a realistic three-year roadmap to become digitally sophisticated within your marketing organization.

Year 1 - Build the Foundation

  1. Create or revisit your organization’s messaging and personas.
  2. Make a measurement plan. Figure out what metrics your need to see to know if your plan is working.
  3. Build a conversion-oriented media plan that’s HIPAA compliant.
  4. Invest in local marketing optimizations.
  5. Set up user journey tracking on your website to better understand user flow
  6. Measure, measure, measure!

Year 2 - Get a Bit More Sophisticated

  1. Begin to make website updates based on insights from user journey mapping.
  2. Pick a CRM to implement and begin website integration.
  3. Continue to push conversion-oriented media, but add in some brand-building media.

Year 3 - Fine-Tune with More Data!

  1. Get even more sophisticated, now that your new website and CRM are rocking and rolling.
  2. Focus on user journey nurturing (including current patients) within CRM
  3. Execute a broader media play, with awareness through conversion tactics

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