Doing Something New

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Aug 09 2021 30 mins  

Tim and Jamie have been trying a lot of new things in the name of adventure lately.  Jamie says one of the most thrilling things she’s done in a while was cryotherapy.  Tim prefers to call it freeze-your-ass-off therapy.  It wasn’t just a crazy thing to do, though, it had quite a few health benefits.  One being your body goes into fight or flight and, not being able to flee, its first response is to protect your organs.  It’s a great clean out for your organs.  Jamie says it was exhilarating and had her on a high for hours.  Some other recent experiences were foot mapping and eating at The Melting Pot. The moral of the story is to do something new.  Don’t fall into the mundane with no excitement.  We need unpredictability just as much as we need predictability in relationships.