My dear companion, for he was all this world to me

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Oct 29 2020 57 mins  
Death is a topic none of us can avoid. We will face it sooner or later. Let's talk about this rather uncomfortable and to some extend disturbing chapter of everyone's, including your dog's, life. •Jeffrey Masson is a New York Times bestselling author and trained psycho-analyst. He came to fame with his criticism about Sigmund Freud's psycho-analytic methods, but mostly so with his books about the emotional life of animals. Both When Elephants Weep and Dogs Never Lie About Love, sold over 1 million copies each. We talk to Jeffrey Masson about his latest book Lost Companions. Reflections on the Death of Pets. •Billie is a 11 years old Border Collie X Kelpie and works at the funeral parlour Simplicity Funerals in Perth, Australia. Billie is a miracle dog, because he is very understanding with the customers that come to the funeral parlour in order to say goodbye to their deceased family member. Billie knows how to comfort them. •Episode 14 of the audio book Pirate - The Barking Kookaburra. Pirate is struggling to find help for Stelze who got bitten by Tiger, the snake. His only hope are the naughty kookaburras. They are the only ones capable of locating Tiger and take her to the hospital, where the doctors can identify the anti-venom for Stelze. Will Pirate manage to convince the kookaburras to help him?