What We're Thankful For This NBA Season | #48

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Nov 27 2022 52 mins  
As we shake off the rust (I am aware this is the second episode in a row mentioning a comeback), Ryan and I are excited to be back on the mics. Let's face it, this is long overdue. It's been 575 days without an upload, and things have changed, a lot! You all have been subject to listening to subpar basketball podcasts, and Ryan and I have greatly missed being niche-micro-internet celebrities! This is a good one folks and it didn't take long to get back in the groove. Check out our new website here [https://www.thesplashpod.com/], and hit us up on social. This is really us, back, and we will try to have a fresh one in your inbox at the start of every week. As always, thanks for the support. Hope you enjoy this one! Today we continue in the spirit of the holiday and share in what it is we are thankful for. Joe Mazzulla and the 16-4 Celtics are only part of that. Ryan shares what team he is most disappointed in and what they can do to make it right. We wrap up talking about things we are looking forward to as we close out the first quarter of the season.