18 Questions to Kick Start Your Marketing

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Jun 30 2019 25 mins   1
Lisa is helping a friend with marketing materials for a new business. She sent them a list of initial questions to start the process and shares with you today the 18 questions you must ask yourself to improve your marketing. Dive into your ideal customer, understand what makes you different and why people should be trusting YOU! Grab a pen and paper and get writing - there's bound to be something you haven't thought of and it could be the missing ingredient when it comes to selling your online product or service. Do you need some extra help figuring out exactly who you're talking to, what you're saying and what your first course will be? My friend and mentor James Wedmore is about to run a live masterclass called Nail Your Niche. He guarantees you'll come away with those questions answered so you've got nothing to lose. Check it out! Links: Sign up for James Wedmore's live masterclass: Nail Your Niche here. Connect with Lisa Corduff on Facebook and Instagram (@kbr_with_lisa)