CP 12: Bruxy Cavey - Anabaptism, Jesus Collective and the Gospel in 30 words

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Aug 25 2019 70 mins   2

Hello Captivate friends! This is episode 12!

This time, Mike and Andy chat with Bruxy Cavey.

Bruxy Cavey is the senior pastor at The Meeting House, a church for people who aren’t into church. The Meeting House is a multisite Anabaptist congregation in Ontario, Canada where thousands of people connect to God and each other through Sunday services, online interaction, and a widespread house church network. (You can learn more about The Meeting House at themeetinghouse.com.) Bruxy is also the author of the bestselling book, The End of Religion and his new book, (re)union -  an overview of “The Good News of Jesus for Seekers, Saints, and Sinners.”

To find out more about Bruxy go to: http://www.bruxy.com/about/

In this episode, Bruxy shares some of the content from his book (Re)union. He also talks about the difference Anabaptism makes in his understanding (as well as the presentation) of the Good News and provides a really helpful framework for systematising our thoughts about the gospel.

You can buy Bruxy’s book and the study guide by following the links below:

(Re)union - https://amzn.to/2HhBwyO

Study guide - https://amzn.to/2ZgVmAv

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Thanks to Bjear for allowing us to use their music.