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Oct 07 2023 1 mins  

yup, as it says in the title, I'll be updating you on things like why there's been soooooo freaking many audio cuts in recent episodes (ahwfegoeufig my microphone), my upload schedule, et cetera. thank you all for your never-ending patience and understanding. I'm not kidding when I say I appreciate you.

qotd: what are you going as for halloween/what are you doing for halloween? (ik I should probably be asking this at a later time.. but I'm super excited for halloween eeeeeek)

have a fantabulous day my amazingly swag-tastic splendiferous human beans 👹💕.

also don't expect me to say that in every episode... heheheh... anyways have a great day! ~Juniperheart~

Email me at: [email protected]

Spotify: {⭐︎junipers.jams⭐︎} (I'm currently in the middle of creating a listener favorites playlist, so comment some of your favorite songs- non-explicit, appropriate, etc- so I can add them :D)