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Mar 26 2021 1 mins   4


Recently, I have been taking a course on pop music, which is quite interesting.


I learned about the origins of many forms of music, such as jazz, rock, hip-hop, folk.

在历史上有很多优秀的音乐人,用他们特别艺术魅力的创作,给人类带来了美的享受,比如Beatles,Bob Dylan,Michael Jackson 这些音乐人在中国也备受大家喜欢。

In history, there are many excellent musicians who have brought the enjoyment of beauty to human beings with their special artistic creations, such as Beatles, Bob Dylan and Michael Jackson, which are also popular in China.


At this point, I come up with how important family education, or family environment is for the cultivation of one's musical literacy.


I have a classmate, his family is relatively rich, so he grew up listening to all kinds of music.


He has a good speaker at home and a good collection of records.


I think the quality of music and the general public's appreciation of music in China, is declining.


More and more families attach importance to musical training for their children. However, with a population of over one billion in China, a good art education is really only available to a small number of people.