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Apr 01 2021 1 mins   4


When we get out of school, start working, start having a family, start having kids, there's more stress.


Most of the people around us don't do physical exercise regularly, so many of them are in the state of sub-health all the time.


In Chinese gyms, it is the form of membership card. Many people sign up for an annual pass, but after only a few visits, the initial resolution to make effort to fitness or lose weight quickly fades.


Chinese people work a long time, especially now with the Internet social software, it seems that there is no accurate time to go and leave work, no matter in the morning or at night, you have to timely reply to work messages, deal with work matters.


Therefore, with the few rest time left, people would like to calm down and have a good rest, and have no energy to do physical exercise again.


How can this situation be changed? It involves many aspects such as personal planning, social culture and economic development.