EP18 | The Cost of Criticism

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Dec 24 2019 26 mins   1

Criticism..a word that nobody likes to hear - even if it is ‘constructive criticism’ - whatever that means.

Criticism makes us feel like we’re being attacked, judged, and made to feel like we’re dumb or less than..which begs the following question: If criticism makes us feel so bad when we’re on the receiving end of it, why do we turn around and dish it out to others?

In this episode, we dive into this question and take a closer look at criticism as a whole - exploring how deep it truly runs, it’s relationship with fear and ego, and more.

If you’ve ever been criticized in your life - i.e. if you’re a human being - this episode might be extremely powerful and insightful for you, and may even lead to multiple breakthroughs..

Brace yourself.


And please be sure to connect with us on IG as well and share your thoughts and question with us! We’re here to help you thrive.

Instagram | Shana: @Shanaynays_lab

Instagram | MAYKR: @MindofMAYKR