Review of Evil (2013)

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Mar 07 2022 28 mins   3

God’s system is grace—saving, living, dying and surpassing grace. Evil takes God’s grace and the truth of Scripture and twists it. This is the genius of Satan. He is a counterfeiter. It’s very easy for Christians to get sucked into evil such as thinking giving money impresses God or will get you closer to God. Evil is always out there. Evil in salvation is faith plus works. All sin is evil but not all evil is sin. Evil can be human good works. Evil is the wrongdoing that insults the grace of God. One of Satan’s greatest ploys is to get us distracted—to lure us into trying to clean up the devil’s world. God never called us to do this. He called us to lift up Jesus Christ and replicate His lifestyle and mind. “As a man thinks in his heart so he is” (Prov 23:7). One of the greatest evils is indicative of bitterness and revenge motivation. Stay out of it. “Father, forgive them for they don’t know what they are doing” (John 15:13). Christ forgave, so should we.

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