Episode 001 - Pacific Coast League President Branch Rickey

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Apr 15 2018 37 mins   3

03:39 - Triple-A Pacific Coast League President, Mr. Branch Rickey.

06:12 - How nostalgia evokes emotions in us from the relationships created over the course of a career. "The bonds that reach across the decades." -B.R.

09:09 - Branch's start in professional baseball, The Appy.

13:28 - The most unique story I've ever heard from Branch, the 1972 Olympic games in Munich, Germany; his keepsake from those games. “As the blood ran down from his nose over his lip... the blood spewed out and dappled my shirt.” -B.R.

24:10 - A background in officiating results in great respect and compassion for sports officials, and what a career in professional baseball provides you developmentally. "I understand the American umpire." -B.R.

30:38 - Branch and I talk about the first time I called him for advice about Official Business. “This is just a matter of applying your discipline, and your insight, and your background knowledge to all of the many-faceted elements… because that’s what you do.”