Pyke | League of Legends | Purpose ?

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Mar 21 2022 63 mins   1 captains staying in the seaside town of Bilgewater fear becoming the next name on the list of the legendary Bloodharbor Ripper—a terrifying ghost of a harpooner who met his death when he was betrayed by his own captain and swallowed by an enormous jaull-fish. As time goes by and his form becomes more corporeal and he regains control of the list, however, he once again becomes master of his own fate... but doesn't steer away from his devastating purpose to seek vengeance on the captains of Bilgewater. 

My guest, Jacob, or Skullhead Soldier, host of the League of Lore podcast, joins me to discuss a different type of character and game style than we've discussed in the past—Pyke, a champion controlled by the player in the multiplayer online battle arena (MOBA) genre.

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Music by Elias Ali & Adam Brookes