Episode 235 - That’s Why You Have More than One

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0% played 00:00 00:00
May 23 2024 42 mins   17

#235 May 23st, 2024 or 33oh10


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Squad Update:

  • Wars in Imiutli and Xians (AGAIN)!

  • Election in LHS 3980

  • Operation Red Dawn - ADI is pushing hard to retake control of Arinna and G 130-9 and prevent takeovers of the other three systems we’ve targeted in retaliation. Our goal is, by removing systems with res sites from their control, taking away bounties as a source of BGS currency

  • No systems overheating, some are tepid

  • Thank you to everyone working hard in the BGS, ADI’s new management has been keeping us busy so thanks to everyone, we couldn’t do it without you.

  • LOTS going on with Squad right now, get involved, we don’t bite.

All details in the #standing-orders and/or the #loose-screws-factions channels of the Discord.

Galnet Update: https://community.elitedangerous.com/

Thargoid War - http://dcoh.watch

  • Attack Hadad

    • Just 2 control system remains; titan dies this weekend

    • 2 hearts already down at recording time…it might be dead by the time you hear this.

Dev News:

  • Update 18.06 coming May 28 https://forums.frontier.co.uk/threads/elite-dangerous-update-18-06-thargoid-war-overhaul-tuesday-28-may-2024.625728/

    • Thargoid war activities rebalanced to more correctly weight them

    • Combat is significantly more influential

    • Interceptor kill bonds increased to around pre-nerf levels; Orthrus reduced to 15m

    • Spire site effects restructured to be linear and more fairly capped

    • Counter strike system marking partially reworked

    • Titan vulnerability is now a two tier system:

      • At 3 controlled systems or below, the Titan will be vulnerable to attack

      • At 4 or above controlled systems, the Titan will take almost no damage from attacks


Community Corner:

  • Buckey Ball ON NOW!. CNDR Mr. Indigo hosting May’s race