Episode 236 - This One Is Worth 3.6 Scout Samples

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0% played 00:00 00:00
May 30 2024 79 mins   15

#236 May 30nd, 2024 or 33oh10 (3310)


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Lark has a neat Podcast related story11

Squad Update:

  • Elections in: TT58343, Cempsigi, and V2150 Cygni we want to win all of them

  • Wars in: Tamor (again), Xians (again), 5 Andromedae, and Tripu we want to win all of them

  • 6A is Overheating

  • Howard and Balmus all need our influence RAISED

  • If you have LSN bounties please hold onto them for now for a dump later.

  • Lots going on still, Big thanks to those working the BGS and to avoid burn out, make sure you rotate what activities you are doing.

  • (For Lark) SELAH V I KNOW SOME OF THIS WAS YOU PLEASE CONTACT ME In game or on the loose screws discord, we aren’t mad. I promise.

All details in the #standing-orders and/or the #loose-screws-factions channels of the Discord.

Galnet Update: https://community.elitedangerous.com/

  • Hadad died

Thargoid War - http://dcoh.watch


Dev News:

  • Type 8 REVEALED - It appears to be shaped like awesome, and is fueled by sweetness.

    • More information

    • Medium Sized

    • SCO Friendly

    • Reportedly we will be happy with the cargo space

    • Reportedly enough cargo space for Daxi’s ego.


  • How the Type 8 will change your Life.

Community Corner: