Episode 240 - Ambiguous Antecedent

Episode Artwork
0% played 00:00 00:00
Jun 27 2024 74 mins   13

#240 June 27st, 2024 or 33-oh-10 (3310)

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Squad Update:

  • THINGS (*no-things*)

  • If you are the one causing the THINGS….Please join our discord and talk to us.

All details in the #standing-orders and/or the #loose-screws-factions channels of the Discord.

Galnet Update: Galnet News | Elite Dangerous Community Site

Thargoid war update:

  • Prepare to attack indra next week (take two)

  • AX Combat test and review

Dev News:


  • How will the Type 8 change your life?

  • T8 stats:

Community Corner: